My theory is this: when you take control (and I use the word loosely - meaning more like discipline) of the essence of that which you are (you're breath) then you are "in control" of your life, your fate, your destiny. Your choices, your situation, your experience.You no longer need to grasp hopelessly and helplessly on to what is essentially the "blame game".
"Look what YOU made me do.."
"If only YOU would.."
"My life would be so much better if YOU.."
"YOU make me feel like.."
And so on and so forth, we all know it. We've all had this conversation. Many of us still do. It's called projection. Looking at the other through your own eyes and essentially seeing, yourself. Also known as a MIRROR.
But as much as I love talking about the nature of projection and it's effects in our life.. I digress. This post isn't about projection. It isn't about the control dramas. It isn't even about the blame game. (Those will come later, I expect).
For now all I'm interested in is sharing a little secret I know about "how to" re-claim that which is rightfully yours. Your beautiful, radiant and empowered self. The nature of all that you are. The very essence of life itself. The breath.
Now, lucky for us, while we are taking this life giving aspect of ourselves for granted, as an aspect of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), a branch of the Central Nervous System (CNS), it just happens automatically, we don't have to think about it, to MAKE it happen.
However, one of the most incredible aspects about our capacity for breathing, is that it is also an aspect of the Somatic Nervous System (SNS), another branch of the CNS, meaning we DO have conscious control of it, we CAN make it happen. We can breathe as quickly or as slowly, as long or as short as we like, if we try.
This is different to most of the other bodily functions which happen via the ANS, for example heart and circulation, digestion, elimination and endocrine function etc., we have little or no conscious control over any of these other bodily functions. They just happen. (and thank goodness!)
However, the more I come to think of it, the more I realise we DO have conscious control over these other aspects, and we CAN control how well they function. We can do this via the BREATH.
When we choose to BREATHE in a relaxed manner, everything slooooooows dooooooown. This is known as relaxation. It is as aspect of the ANS known as the Parasympathetic Nervous System, which when in good working order our relaxed bodily functions happen automatically and efficiently. These include:
- Salivation
- Digestion
- Defecation
- Urination
- Lacrimation (production of tears)
- Sexual arousal
And this can all be done with one simple yet powerful tool: our BREATHING.
When we control our capacity for breathing we control our lives, our fate, our destiny. Our choices, our situations, our experiences. I have heard it said that an immortal yogi breathes ONCE every minute. S.l.o.w.i.n.g. our breath right down to a slow crawl, so that you become onewiththebreath, is an incredible capacity which is not just for the men who live in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. It is available to each and everyone of us. It is our life. Our birthright. The essence of all that we are. And we are.
Letting go happens with the out-breath. We are nothing but our breath. Exhale.
Benefits of Breathing:
- detoxifies and releases toxins
- releases tension
- relaxes the mind and body
- relieves emotional tension
- relieves physical pain
- massages your organs
- increases muscle
- improves posture
- increases digestion & assimilation of food
- improves nervous system & nerve function
- strengthens the lungs & lung capacity
- helps lower blood pressure
- boosts energy levels
- improves stamina
- improves cellular regeneration
- elevates mood
- improves quality of blood
- oxygenates blood and flushes cancer cells
- strengthens the immune system & white blood cell function
- strengthens the heart
- assists in addictions
- assists in weight control
Try this:
- The Gentle/Quiet Breath: in and out through the nose SO QUIET you can't hear it
- Lengthen the OUTBREATH: start with 10 secs work up to 30 or more
- Alternate Nostril Breathing
For more information: