Yesterday was a perfect example of this for me. And wow! What an opportunity for growth.
I had too much raw cacao in my morning smoothie (yes, you CAN have too much of a good thing!), so I was feeling a little jittery and slightly manic.
I drove to our local town and literally buzzed around the shops - all fine and quite fun!
On my way home I decided to stop for fuel. Unfortunately I chose to get in line behind the slowest woman on the forecourt who turns out to be more or less doing her weekly shopping in the petrol station store.
I was in a bit of a hurry: I had to get home, I wanted to do a bit of a cardio workout (to burn off some of the effects of the cacao), I had to phone a friend, and get to my appointment all in just over an hour.
Needless to say I started getting a little agitated.
Now this is unusual for me. I am in training to remain calm under pressure and "everything always happens in it's perfect timing" etc. But "under the influence" of this rather strong stimulant, I couldn't "see" straight.
I finally got my fuel and got back on the road - breathing deeply the whole time.
To my dismay I happened behind a slow moving old petrol car. I closed up the ventilation (I don't like to overly breathe those fumes - but no air and a humid day: aaargh!). He or she seemed to be out for a general country drive, and I just wanted to put my foot down and get home!
I started to say: "Come on!" "Get on with it!" "Oh, for goodness sake" - and the rest of it! When suddenly I realised I could actually release my tension here and now, instead of projecting it onto this poor unsuspecting "safe" driver - and usually the person on the other end of the blame is a friend or family member.
I turned off the radio. I felt into where the constriction and agitation was being held in my body. I started to make sound. I felt into how different sounds would resonant through the various blocks in my body. It felt good.
Sound and movement are an excellent way of releasing old, held and stuck emotions or feelings, which have become constriction or tightness in the body, often held around one or more of our 7 major energy centers or Chakras, which are in places where there is a lot of nerve activity.
These powerful tools are incredible when used together, such as in dance. But sometimes, like then, it is only possible to use one or the other.
Sound is an amazing way to vibrate into these habitual patterns of restriction held in the body, usually over many decades, due to unresolved stress and tension. These have over time, become reactive patterns. This means we have no conscious control over when they are activated, but in times of trauma or stress, THEY control us!
Normally we may go into a state of fight or flight, blaming the other for that which we are feeling, which whilst alleviating the symptoms temporarily is actually like putting a band-aid over a gaping wound. It doesn't help.
Creating or finding a held therapeutic space for yourself (and a moving car is a great one cause guess what? No one can hear you!!), means you can release the actual held tension, without blaming anyone with "you make me feel like this.."
For 2 reasons:
1) It doesn't release the root issue (it only perpetuates it).
2) The root issue isn't their fault (or even if it is, it's YOUR responsibility to change).
So we can and should deal with reactive patterns in 3 ways.
1) BREATHE and practice relaxation everyday to encourage ourselves (body, mind, heart and spirit) to let go and allow ourselves to begin to make responsive choices instead of being controlled by our re-activity.
2) Avoid food and/or substances which keeps us held in a reactive state through further suppression of toxins and emotions (as they are usually a pacifier for difficult feelings and the stress response - feed). Substances such as tea, coffee, sugar, smoking, alcohol and drugs.
3) Become the observer of yourself. When you see these reactive patterns rising in you, know that in that moment you have a choice. Either you can continue to be controlled by them and blame. Or you can go inside using breath, sound and/or movement to begin the journey of letting go. It really IS a beautiful thing.
Every tension is an opportunity to let go. Rejoice and be glad in it!
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